
Why Adjustable Steel Stumps Are the Preferred Option

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Are you planning a new construction project or renovation? If so, one of the most important considerations may be the foundation. It’s essential to choose a sound solution that will support the weight of the structure while withstanding soil erosion, water accumulation, ground movement and other challenges. While traditional timber stumps may seem like the obvious choice, adjustable steel stumps are becoming the preferred option for a lot of reasons. Why is this the case, and why are these the go-to solution for contractors and property owners?…

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How to Deal with Epoxy Flooring Damage in a Busy Parking Garage

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Epoxy flooring is very popular in a commercial parking garage as it is known for its durability. It’ll improve the facility’s aesthetic appeal, which may be important from a branding perspective, and it also has anti-slip characteristics, being very resistant to moisture. However, it can be prone to damage, and if you’re dealing with some of this in your existing facility, what’s the best approach to take in order to rectify it?…

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Salt Damp: A Guide

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This article explores the cause of salt damp and the impact it can have on a property. Read on to find out more. Salt damp in buildings Salt is highly soluble in water. When groundwater mixes with salt, it can penetrate deep inside the structure of a building. The leading cause of salt damp is a damaged damp-proof course. A damp-proof course that has been compromised will allow salty water and moisture to enter the walls of your property.…

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Essential Safety Practices for Commercial Asbestos Disposal

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Asbestos and asbestos-containing materials (ACM) are considered highly hazardous and carcinogenic, and that is why any detected ACM must be removed from any commercial facility. According to Australian authorities, any waste containing more than 0.1 per cent of asbestos is considered hazardous material; therefore, it must be removed and disposed of appropriately. However, since asbestos does not breakdown easily, you must observe careful disposal practices. The practices might appear subtle, but the importance should not be underestimated.…

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Maintenance Practices That Keep Your Commercial Building in Tip-Top Shape

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The value and strength of your commercial building depend on the maintenance it gets. Owning a building is a good thing, but keeping it in good shape is a hands-on job. It’s natural for buildings to wear and tear, but good maintenance slows it down. Your commercial building won’t generate consistent profits if it’s poorly maintained. You should know the monthly and yearly routine maintenance steps to take to keep your building in tip-top condition.…

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4 Reasons Why You Need to Seek a Professional Residential Demolition Contractor

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Is your house too old with many structural damages, or do you want to bring down your existing house to give way for a new house? If so, you need to hire the services of a professional residential demolition contractor for the best work and quality services. Professional residential demolition contractors understand what they are doing and are equipped with skills and tools for the job. Whether your house is made of concrete, wood or any other building material, professional demolition contractors will always have the correct method that will safely bring down your house after recovering most of the essential products.…

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Three Important Cleaning and Maintenance Tips for Plaster Ceilings

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Plaster ceilings come in a number of colours, with white being the most common. White plastered ceilings need to be cleaned and properly maintained at all times if they are to retain their durable and attractive condition. It is therefore important to learn about the proper processes to use in cleaning and maintaining a plaster ceiling before you invest in one.  Vacuuming and dusting the ceiling If you want a quick clean for the ceiling, vacuum it with the brush attachment if you have to use the machine.…

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3 Reasons to Consider Selective Demolition for Your Home Project

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If you have recently bought or inherited an older home, you may be facing several building concerns. You may be facing rooms that need walls knocked out or flooring that needs to be replaced. When these issues begin to add up, your contractor may mention several options to help you get the more time-consuming aspects of the project completed. One of those options is selective demolition. Here are three reasons to consider selective building demolition for your home project.…

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Professional Plant Hire Tips

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As a contractor, there are instances that you will need to hire construction machines. Hiring is a suitable option when you only require the machines for a short period. Besides, it is often cheaper than buying. Below are essential tips to guide you during plant hire. Determine the equipment’s availability.   There are many companies hiring out construction equipment. Inquire if these companies have the machines you require. You also need to know if they can rent out the equipment for the whole period that you need them.…

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Who can you trust to repair the foundation of your home?

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Is your home in good repair? Most people try to keep their home looking reasonable, with regular cleaning and painting to ensure that they present a clean and pleasant impression to visitors. You probably take care of any obvious areas that need repair, but did you realise that there could be problems under the ground of which you can’t see? Are you finding cracks appearing on your walls or floor? Do your doors and windows no longer fit into their frames properly?…

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